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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sundays are for...

Sunday.  The official beginning of the week.  Some go to worship, others sleep in, still others are spending the day doing something fun with family or friends.  It can be a day to contemplate or prepare for the week ahead.

My Sunday begins as any other day, I have pets.  I may later linger over my coffee a bit longer, or glance at the Sunday paper.  Check my calendar for the upcoming week.  I would love to be going out to a brunch, but that hasn't happened in two years.  So I pour another coffee.  I could be straightening or gathering laundry, but that can wait it' s Sunday.

I am thinking today I will get together things I no longer need and start a box or two for Goodwill or the shelter.   I am at overflow status, and need to find some extra room as my drawers and cupboards are at capacity.   I could go to a nursery for a few more plants for the garden.   I shall NOT go to a flea market or browse the secondhand stores as that is a temptation that will result in more stuff.  I do not need more stuff.  I need less stuff.

A friend mentioned today that she should be done spring cleaning by December because somewhere along the way she kept stuff.  She mentioned ebay and paypal and Barbies.  Special Barbies. Thank goodness I don't collect or keep my kids toys.  I just keep my own.  I need to pare down, simplify, enjoy my senior years.

We used to have an unenforceable rule here.  Nothing new comes in unless something else goes out.  Sound theory but everyone has to cooperate.   No sneaking things into the garage or the shed to be discovered later.  No you didn't always have that tool, or cooler, or camping chair.  Do we really need five tool boxes filled with unsorted tools purchased because it was a great deal at a flea.
Don't we end up going to the depot or hardware store buying the only tool that isn't in the five tool boxes again and again.

I will be the better person.  I shall get rid of some of my unused stuff.  I will donate and cleanse.  But wait.  Why am I getting photos on my phone of tables and chairs?  Of stuff, omg, it's a yard sale.  My brain hiccups as I think if there is anything I need.  I gain control.  Well okay I'll go look maybe.
Why did the seller price things so low.  Whew, that has a sold sticker on it.
Yes I kept my wits, and only got three ceramic roosters, a soapstone chicken and a teapot.  The other bought a table and chairs, that I didn't like.

After a bit of pouting by the other,  my oldest daughter now is a proud owner of a gently used table with four chairs.  Yes it's Sunday.  Now where should I put those roosters?

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